"Equipping Children to Serve Christ."
2000 NW Clay Street | Topeka, KS 66608
785.286.0427 | info@HCStopeka.org

The overall goals of the elementary program are
1. To grow in knowledge of the Bible, discover spiritual gifts, and begin a daily walk with the Lord.
2. To build a strong foundation of academic skills in the basics of mathematics, reading, and language arts.
3. To allow students to apply knowledge through hands-on learning.
Students receive instruction in mathematics, science, Bible, reading and language arts, history, handwriting, Spanish, spelling, physical education, music, and art.

Daily Bible study and devotions are a major emphasis in the elementary program. Each week students will have Scripture memorization and chapel. Community ministry activities provide an opportunity for students to put their faith into action
A Beka curriculum provides a strong phonics base, Biblical integration, and high academic standards. The curriculum is supplemented with award-winning classic and contemporary children’s literature. Outside reading requirements strengthen literacy and allow for parental involvement.
Math is taught from the perspective that our world was created with a divine plan and is logical and consistent. Manipulative and hands-on activities are used to introduce concepts that allow students to see how and why math works. Students progress to abstract thought and symbolic mathematics through lower, middle, and upper elementary grades.
Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.
-Psalms 127:3
The HCS Elementary Music program provides opportunity to reinforce several areas of development. Emphasis is placed on expressing love for God through our love for music, good posture, body control, harmony, rhythm, form, and unity. Students are encouraged to train and develop their hearts and God-given gifts to their fullest potential so they will be ready for whatever God may call them to do.
The Elementary Physical Education program provides the opportunity to reinforce teamwork and lifetime fitness skills. Through activities and team games, students will develop skills regarding movement and fitness.
The Elementary Spanish program at HCS is an opportunity for young students to become familiar with Spanish language and culture. Students participate in oral question-and-answer sessions, conversations with each other, and vocabulary-related games, puzzles, and activities. All grades learn simple “getting to know you” conversational skills and memorize songs, Bible verses, and the Lord’s Prayer in Spanish. Students emerge from HCS Elementary Spanish with confidence and a memorable collection of participatory experiences in the language and culture of Spanish-speaking countries.

Students participate in various programs throughout the year, including grandparents' day, Christmas program, and the spring program.

Heritage Christian participates in the following activities:
Young Authors
Students 4th-8th may participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee
Students 3rd-8th may participate in the ACSI Math Olympics