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All students K-11th grade are required to take the Iowa

Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) Standardized Test. Students in 8th-12th grades take the Classic Learning Test (CLT).

Juniors and Seniors will

be encouraged to take the American College

Test (ACT).​

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A Beka and BJU Press biblically-based curriculum provides a strong academic foundation designed to prepare students to successfully compete in a variety of settings in life. Emphasis is placed on preparing students for higher education upon graduation, but adaptations are made for those who have other plans. Small class sizes provide the opportunity for all students to receive one-to-one time with their teacher(s), who motivate students to succeed and excel. Each year, students in grades K-11th undergo standardized testing (SATs) as a measure of their progress. Performance on these tests shows that Heritage students consistently score well above national averages. Our core curriculum meets or exceeds Kansas state guidelines for graduation.


Heritage Christian School is designed to be an extension of the students Christian home and an environment where students can enjoy the very best learning experience. It is important that all children learn how to respond favorably to authority. Discipline standards are set, according to grade level, and are enforced fairly, consistently, lovingly, and with ample parental involvement. 

© 2023 Heritage Christian School  |  2000 NW Clay Street  |  Topeka, KS 66608  |  785.286.0427  |

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